About AOG

The vision for Alpha Omega God, LLC as a community based clothing line is a TRIune collaborative that will encompass an annual F.A.S.T event (inaugurally set for December 5, 2020).  F.A.S.T. will showcase (A) a fashion show, (O) a step show, and (G) a fatherless initiative for those like myself who grew up with an absent father to know that nevertheless, we/they STILL have A Father in Jesus Christ.

Vision Story

It was December 5, 1999, I was sitting in the back seat with our only child, then 6mos young. God clearly began speaking to me. With excitement, I began drawing out and writing details of what the Father was sharing. The details were very intricate, detailed, and much bigger than anything I could have ever imagined. I designed that initial logo myself. At my husband’s request, I’d given up my career to be an “at-home mom”, or as I’ve affectionately preferred since 1999, a domestic engineer.  It was on 12/31/1998, I’d sown a seed at watch night service at our then church. I was 4 months pregnant with our first child and asked God if would take care of us when we went from being a dual income to a single income family. It was challenging for our family’s budget to accommodate the funding of Alpha Omega God, and with every tax season, I set aside my portion to do what I could when I could.  Then, one day I’d said to God, “You gave me the Vision, now bring forth the provision.” Little by little, I continued to believe and press. On September 18, 2009, I awoke from a dream and began writing elaborate details to revamp my initial primitive logo design versions.  Awakening from that dream brought forth the logo you see today, which I have in all formats print and embroidery. In September 2011, I registered my LLC and trademark with the state of GA and momentum has been steady. I’ve always had His Vision in mind, under wraps, and have continued to receive downloads. But God!! As my now 4 children, currently 20, 18, 12, and 12 (yes twins), are getting older, things began to really move for Alpha Omega God, LLC. Knowing full well that God instructed me to come out like a storm and not piece goods, I have been preparing to stay ready because Colossians 3:23 & Phil 4:13.   I officially launch on Thursday, February 6, 2020.  To God be the Glory!!  

             #TestimoniesMatter             What’s yours?             Share it through our line of ministrywear.

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