“Stand for what you wear and wear what you stand for.” – UR Still

Our Anomaly

An anomaly is simply put something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.  Alpha Omega God is not a standard, simple clothing line.  AOG is a well thought out, Spirit-led download of details and elements, all intricately pieced together to form something that I could have never thought in and of myself.  Alpha Omega God is, in fact, bigger than me yet, is a Bible believing company owned by a Bible believer who loves the mission of sharing the Gospel in a nontraditional manner through the words that proceed out of your mouth via TESTimonies and MESSages.  Alpha Omega God was chosen, I was called and so were you.  Our desire is that in wearing Alpha Omega God, you’ll be inspired to share your faith with opportunities to P.A.T. those you encounter: 

  • Pray for them, 
  • Acknowledge His Love for them, and
  • share your Testimony.

AOG would love to hear your PATs as well where God led you to share while wearing our line.  Like Alpha Omega God (look for the logo) on FB and follow @iamalphaomegagod on IG.  There you can tag us in a story and create post about your PATs and help to ignite, encourage, and strengthen the faith of others.  That’s our anomaly. PERIOD.

Who we are ~ Our Mission

Alpha Omega God, LLC is a revolutionary, premier line of casual ministry wear that “Steps” you up spiritually.

Why revolutionary??  Well defined as an adjective in terms of Alpha Omega God, revolutionary is a) something radically new or innovative; outside or beyond the norm, b) something that has a major, sudden impact. This is what who we are, and we are sought after for that very definition.

Alpha Omega God, LLC is a brand that fosters conversation and opens the door to evangelize without pressure.  Not everyone wants to be beat upside the head with the Bible as a strategy to come to Christ.  With a desire to E”s you back to the Father, Alpha Omega God:

Why we exist

Alpha Omega God exists because it was ordered in my steps, it was written in my story, and along with God’s Timing, obedience is always better than sacrifice.  I was known about before I was ever in my mother’s womb.  Who I am, shaped, formed and fashioned to be is catered around everything that is Alpha Omega God.

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