It’s not a sorority or a fraternity.  It’s an eternity for ALL!

Do any of these describe you?

Having the heart AND character of Christ in order to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Not too much legalism and not too much grace. Leading people to Christ with a loving, tender heart without slapping them in the face with scripture and the Bible

Your test turned testimony, mess turned message shared through the Glorifying lens of a FaithFull Father is the ultimate playing field in leading others to Christ. Your TESTimony is the MESSage that somebody needs to hEAR from within their HEARt.

Being a real and transparent as a child of God.

You believe that “Modesty IS the new sexy!” ~ UR Still

Brand E-VANgelist

Alpha Omega God desires to have Brand E-VANgelist on college and church campus as well as the world to help rep the brand with its Kingdom message. A Brand E-VANgelist, E-Van, is a doggone enthusiast who has their own set of stories, MESSages, and TESTimonies to tell.  A Brand E-VAN represents the brand to the fullest wanting to wear and share anything about it on the regular because they wholeheartedly believe in the Kingdom Purposes and what it stands for.  A Brand E-VAN can/will be my point of contact to spear awareness and engagement as I start my A.O.G.  F.A.S.T (to be trademarked) and/or speaking engagements.  The United States has been graphed into 4 regions/chapters to represent where people identify with being from. This is one of our community aspects.  A Brand E-VAN is a gem, become one?

Fatherless Initiative

Another community component within AOG is the fatherlessness initiative.  A dad not being present can be in the form of physical (I never knew who he was) to I had one but he never gave me the time of day (possibly trading off money and gifts in lieu).  A dad plays an integral role in the shaping of a person and so does the lack thereof.  Alpha Omega God desires to build a network of counseling and coaching resources.  Counseling and coaching are the somewhat similar in that they both seek to bring about wholesome balance by providing a skilled person that supports you, your wellness (counseling) and/or growth (coach).  Yet the differences between counseling and coaching is that each has varied training, methods, and goals. By connecting with a safe space counselor via our community, we hope to reshape and transform the mindset shift in those that have felt/still feel a void because their natural dad was not present.

father, daughter, dad

F.A.S.T Events

First event coming December 5, 2020

Looking for Choreographers, dancers, MUA, Event coordinators/planners as well as college interns in the area of social media marketing & strategy, photography, videography, and project management.  

  • IKNOWO Chapter

    Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota

  • MEFW Chapter

    Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Washington D.C., West Virginia, Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas

  • MGoU Chapter

    Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania

  • NYHim Chapter

    Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington

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